Examining Leadership Practices to Promote a Positive Culture of Research Integrity in Higher Education Institutions





Collective Leadership, Adaptive Leadership, Boundary Spanning, Research Integrity, Open Research


What is new?

While Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have, in recent years, placed greater emphasis on promoting good research practices, it is yet relatively unknown what leadership approaches are best suited to cultivating a positive culture of research integrity (RI) in HEIs.  This small-scale exploratory descriptive study therefore sought to uncover initial findings from within the European context on practices research leaders found to be most effective in leading positive change in this space.

What was the approach?

The design was constructed using semi-structured interviews with five senior research leaders. Countries that were members of the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO), with HEIs that were members of the European Association of Research Management and Administration (EARMA) were used as part of the sample selection process.  With the topic being under-researched and the examination being a small-scale exploratory study, opportunistic and purposive sampling were used to recruit participants.

What is the academic impact?

The overarching leadership style found to promote a positive culture of RI in HEIs was collective, with adaptive and competent boundary spanning characteristics, along with cognisance of the need for continuous professional development.  There was agreement among all participants that change in research culture is occurring, and leaders need to adapt to these changes. RI and open research were seen as integral components to promoting good research practices in HEIs.

What is the wider impact?

There are multiple facets to promoting a culture of RI in HEIs, with excellent examples in the literature on both leadership and good research practices.  However there is little evidence of which leadership styles create the best conditions for driving a positive culture of RI in HEIs.





How to Cite

Lacey, S., & Wilkinson, J. J. (2025). Examining Leadership Practices to Promote a Positive Culture of Research Integrity in Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Research Management and Administration, 4(1), 2025022601. https://doi.org/10.18552/jorma.v4i1.1153