European Journal of Legal Education moves to new publishing platform


Earlier this year it became apparent to the journal's editorial team that there were a number of technical defects in the editorial platform used to manage the journal. One of the consequences of these defects was that authors and reviewers were not receiving emails about the editorial workflow. This severely hampered the efficiency of the editorial process.

After a number of failed attempts to resolve the issue, it became apparent that we needed to move to a new platform with dedicated technical support. We are pleased that Coventry Open Press agreed to provide that new platform and publish the journal on behalf of the European Law Faculties Association. The platform works in the same way as the old system, but without the bugs!

This new platform should result in a more efficient editorial process. Authors, reviewers, and subscribers will need to create new accounts on this system going forwards. Submissions currently under review (received prior to 18 December 2024) are being managed manually and if they are accepted to the journal will be migrated to the new platform. New submissions should be made in the usual way.

We hope that this change will enable faster turnaround times for authors and more regular updates.