Vol. 27 No. 1 (2022)

We are very pleased to publish the first issue of the twenty-seventh volume of the Coventry Law Journal.
This issue contains pieces on a variety of legal topics, including the possible repeal of the Human Rights Act 1998 by two Steve Fosters! Steve Foster teaches at Manchester Grammar School and is a seasoned author on many aspects of the constitution and human rights law, and joins your editor-in-chief in appraising the government’s latest plans to repeal the Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. The Journal also contains pieces on corporate manslaughter, human rights and the economy, freedom of expression, the impact of covid- 19 regulation in Nigeria, EU Law, and Space Law.
We are particularly pleased to include an article by Professor Carlos Espaliú-Berdud, a visiting professor at Coventry University in the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity. A professor from the University of Nebrija in Madrid, he has written on the regulation of disinformation in Spain. We are also delighted to publish pieces by two practitioners: Dr. Konstantina Michopoulou, on forced labour and the European Convention, and Dominic Ruck Keene, who contributes a case note on coroners and Article 2 of the Convention. Our thanks go to them for sharing their professional and academic expertise.
This issue also includes case notes from our ex-colleague, Dr Ben Stanford, now at Liverpool John Moores University, and from Dr Gary Betts, our Head of Law at Coventry Law School. We have also included two book reviews, on Mothers in Prison, by our regular contributor Dr Rona Epstein, who comments on the texts in the context of her own impressive research into this area. Finally, we have included various student work in our Student Essays Section: from students at SWUPL in China and our students at Coventry University. Our thanks go to those students and the staff who co-ordinated those contributions.
Our thanks go to all our contributors: from academic staff (from the UK and abroad), practitioners and students. These contributions create a rich mix of academic and practical discussion that we hope will appeal to our varied readership.
On a sad note, we bid farewell to three colleagues who leave us for new academic adventures. Dr Katrien Steenmans, and Aaron Cooper, both experts in environmental law, and regular contributors to the Journal, have provided excellent support to our students, the School and our research and we wish them both well for the future. So too, we are very sorry to lose our research and teaching expert Dr Lorenzo Pasculli, who is leaving to take up a post at University College London: good luck Lorenzo.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue and we look forward to publishing your contributions in future issues. If you wish to contribute to the Journal and want any advice or assistance in publishing your work then please contact the editors: the next publication date is December 2022, and contributions need to be forwarded to the editors by early November 2022.
The editors: Dr Steve Foster and Dr Stuart MacLennan