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Day, Trevor, University of Bath, for this submission
Deane, Mary
Deane, Mary, Oxford Brookes University
Delcambre, Isabelle, Universite de Lille 3
Demirel, Elif, Karadeniz Technical University
Devet, Bonnie, College of Charleston
Devet, Bonnie, College of Charleston (SC--USA)
Devonish, Hubert, University of the West Indies, Mona
Dilaveri, Evi, DEREE - The American College of Greece
Dimitriou, Konstantinos Kristofer, KIMEP University
Donahue, Christiane, Dartmouth College Universite de Lille 3
Donahue, Christiane
Donnelly, Roisin, Dublin Institute of Technology
Doroholschi, Claudia I., West University of Timișoara
Duffy, Ana, Queensland University of Technology
Dujardin, Anne-Florence, Sheffield Hallam University
Dyche, Caroline A., University of the West Indies, Mona
Dyche, Caroline Anne, University of the West Indies Mona campus
Dysthe, Olga, University of Bergen


Edlich, Micha Gerrit Philipp, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Edwards, Kirstie, Sheffield Hallam University Glyndwr University
Eklund Heinonen, Maria, Södertörn University
Encinas, Maria Teresa Fatima, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
Ene, Estela, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
English, John, University of Huddersfield

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