Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): The European Journal of Legal Education

In Spring 2020 our ‘normal’ changed dramatically, on a really large scale. We, like colleagues across the globe, have been moving through the crafting of this EJLE second issue under extremely unusual circumstances, and in the wider context the crisis has created challenges for and within the higher education community. Education has not shut down during the pandemic, instead it has shifted from physical spaces to online and remote learning - and this is something the education industry was not prepared for. It is no surprise that this issue is influenced by these experiences over the last twelve months, and some of the analyses and reflections were prompted by this crisis. It is difficult to predict the ramifications for higher education and the longer term implications of the challenges we faced over the last months. However, some resulting challenges, the opportunities and the broadening of our perspectives are addressed in this second issue.