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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs or DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses (primarily) a 10-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in theAuthor Guidelines, which are found in About the Journal > Submissions.
  • The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review in the Author Guidelines have been followed.
  • The above checkbox refers to the statement and bullet points below: In submitting this article for publication, I confirm the following:

    • That the content of the article is my own work or, where third party content is utilised, I have obtained permission from the third party to include their materials in this article and (where necessary) the third party has approved the article for publication;
    • That I agree to grant an irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive licence to Coventry University to publish this article;
    • That the article may be licensed under a creative commons licence, as detailed in the Copyright Notice;
    • That the article contains nothing that is abusive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent or illegal;
    • That the decision to publish this article rests solely with Coventry University; and
    • That Coventry University may withdraw publication of the article at any time at its discretion without notice in the event that Coventry University becomes aware, or has reason to believe, that the author has not met any requirement(s) set out in this submission checklist.

Author Guidelines


  • Ethical issues for any study involving human subjects should have been carefully considered in line with the Declaration of Helsinki (1964).
  • Authors should refer to and conform to our PUBLICATION ETHICS & MALPRACTICE STATEMENT (on this website under ABOUT > Peer Review Process)
  • Journal article submissions should normally not exceed the word-counts given below (Submission Types). A word count should be supplied with the submission.
  • Research articles should be accompanied by between three and five keywords.
  • Submissions should be compiled as follows: title, author name, affiliation, abstract, main text, acknowledgements (where relevant), references, appendices (where included).
  • For all manuscripts non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms should not be used.

Submission Types

Research articles

Articles are a maximum of 5,000 words excluding references and tables. The aim of articles is to advance understanding of practice based learning by making original, conceptual or theoretical contributions to the field. While articles are typically structured in the following way – introduction, background, methods, findings, discussion, conclusions – this format is indicative only and not prescribed.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words.

Reflective papers


These papers are 1,000 words in length excluding references and tables. The aim is to provide a reflective discursive account exploring an aspect of practice.

Master Classes


Master class papers are a maximum of 4,500 words and are typically structured as follows:

Introduction, background literature, methodology/principles, discussion, conclusion and key messages.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words.

Cover Page (To be uploaded as a separate file)

Author(s), affiliations, Contributions and Conflicts of Interest

* List the authors in the order they should appear in the final manuscript;

* State in what ways each author contributed to this manuscript;

* State whether or not each author has an interest to declare.

Corresponding author


Please provide the full correspondence address and contact email for the author who will deal with article-related correspondence before and after publication.

Funding and Acknowledgements


* Please state any relevant funding source/s;

* Please provide acknowledgements if applicable.


Ensuring a Blind Review

In recent versions of MS-Word:

1. Open your submission document
2. Select 'File'
3. Select 'Check for Issues' / 'Inspect Document'
4. Select 'Inspect'
5. Against 'Document Properties and Personal Information' select 'Remove all'
6. Save the file again

Typically this takes care of the main issues with author signature on the file and in the comments and changes made during reviewing. In cases where you refer to previous publications or conferences by author(s), please ensure you refer to the publications in the third person, rather than signalling your own research, or replace essential information which would identify the authors with: '[name redacted for anonymity]'. If in doubt, please email the editors.

Formatting (Use double spacing for Peer Review)



Chapter title

18 pt, bold, title case, aligned left

Author(s) and affiliations


'University, Country'

'Second Author'

'University, Country' etc.

N.B. Please simply type the words 'Author', 'University' etc. in order to ensure blind review.

**Ensure all author details are entered in the accompanying submission List of Contributors**

Abstract (heading)

10 pt, bold

Abstract (text)

10 pt (less than 250 words)


10 pt (minimum, 3; maximum 5)

Level 1 subheading

11 pt, bold, title case, aligned left

Level 2 subheading

11 pt, bold, italic, sentence case, aligned left

Level 3 subheading

11 pt, italic, sentence case, aligned left

Text (including footnotes)

10 pt, left-aligned with a ragged right-hand margin. The *whole document* should be DOUBLE-SPACED for peer review.

Figure/table captions

9 pt, placed below the Figure/Table


10 pt

Reference text

10 pt, aligned left with hanging indent and a blank line after each entry


Please consistently use either British English or American English.

Dates should be given in the form 1 January 2015.


Double-barrelled names contain a hyphen (-).

Number ranges and parenthetical dashes use an n-rule (–).  Parenthetical dashes should be have a space on either side.

Please note: 1960s, not 1960’s. 

Use of italics

Italics should be used for names of publications (books, journals, newspapers etc.) and titles of films, paintings etc.

Foreign words, including Latin ones, should also be italicised. 


Numbers one to ten should be spelt out, as should any number which begins a sentence; figures should be used thereafter.  Figures and spelt-out numbers should not be mixed in the same clause.

Numerals should always be used with percentages, units of measurement and in tables.  Please note, there should be a space between the numeral and the unit (e.g. 5 cm).

Number ranges, including those of pages in citations and references, should be given in full and elided with an n-rule (–).  For example, 123–150, not 123-50. 


Please use single quotation marks; double marks should be used within quoted material, as necessary.

Quotations longer than 30 words should be indented.

Generally, quoted material does not need to be distinguished from the rest of the text in any other way (for example, by using italics). 


This journal uses APA 7th referencing style.

In-text citations should be in the form (Surname, year). Where page numbers are included, the citation should be (Surname, year, page number).

Number of authors

First in-text citation

Subsequent in-text citations

One or two

Parenthetical: (Forsyth & Kviz, 2006)

Narrative: Forsyth and Kviz (2006)

Parenthetical: (Forsyth & Kviz, 2006)

Narrative: Forsyth and Kviz (2006)

Three or more

Parenthetical: (Dillman et al., 2014)

Narrative: Dillman et al. (2014)

Parenthetical: (Dillman et al., 2014)

Narrative: Dillman et al. (2014)


Parenthetical: (National Institute of Health Research [NIHR], 2017)

Narrative: National Institute of Health Research [NIHR] (2017)

Parenthetical: (NIHR, 2017)
Narrative: NIHR (2017)
  • Please note, all authors (up to 20 – see APA 7th Edition) must be listed in the full bibiolgraphic reference.
  • Multiple publications in one citation should be listed in alphabetical order and separated by semi-colons, e.g.: (Anders Ericsson, 2009; Dillman et al., 2014; Forsyth & Kviz, 2006).

The list of references should contain full bibliographic entries for all cited material. Similarly, items appearing in the reference list must also appear in the main text. The reference entries should be compiled as follows: 

  • Books:

Anders Ericsson, K. (Ed.). (2009). Development of professional expertise: Toward measurement of expert performance and design of optimal learning environments. Cambridge University Press.

Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L. M. (2014). Internet, mail and mixed-mode surveys: The tailored design method (4th ed.).  John Wiley and Sons.

  • An essay or article in an edited volume:

Forsyth, K., & Kviz, F. J. (2006). Survey research design. In G. Kielhofner (Ed.), Research in Occupational therapy: Methods of inquiry for enhancing practice (pp. 91–109). F. A. Davis.

  • Journal articles with a DOI:

Aiken, F. E., Fourt, A. M., Cheng, I. K. S., & Polatajko, H. J. (2011). The meaning gap in occupational therapy: Finding meaning in our own occupation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78, 294–302.

  • Journal articles without a DOI:

Flood, B., Haslam, L., & Hocking, C. (2010). Implementing a Collaborative Model of Student Supervision in New Zealand: Enhancing Therapist and Student Experiences. New Zealand journal of occupational therapy, 57(1), 22-26.  

  • Websites:

Wenger, E. (2011). Communities of practice: A brief introduction.

Please refer to the APA 7th Edition style guide for further details.


Figures and Tables

All figures and tables must be cited in the main text and carry captions to explain what they are (the caption appears below the Figure or Table). 


For figures and tables, captions should be set below. In both cases, they should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals; tables and figures should be numbered separately.

All images, illustrations and diagrams should be referred to as ‘figures’. The abbreviation ‘Fig.’ should be not used.

Acknowledgements and permissions

If a figure, model, image, chart or table has previously been published, its reproduction in the International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care will require copyright permission (even if minor modifications have been made). It is the responsibility of the author to secure such permission from the original publishers, for publication in both electronic and print formats. Proof of permission will need to be forwarded to the Editor.  The author is also responsible for paying any permission fees associated with such materials. Any queries regarding this matter should be directed to the Editor. 

Privacy Statement

The Coventry University Group (“the University”) enables the International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health & Social Care via the Open Journal System (‘OJS’) the facilities to publish  internationally read, written, peer-reviewed, and edited open-access academic journal, sponsored by National Association of Educators in Practice (NAEP).

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