Predictors of Compassion Competence Among Nurses Working in The Non-profit Healthcare Sector in India
compassion competence, engagement, nurse practice environment, the non-profit sectorAbstract
This cross-sectional study, conducted amid the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2021, investigates compassion competence predictors among nurses in India's non-profit healthcare sector. Employing an online questionnaire, we scrutinized socio-demographics, nurse practice environment, nurse engagement, and compassion competence in medical college hospitals managed by private trusts. Linear regression analysis revealed that both nurse practice environment (β=0.982, p=< .001) and engagement (β=0.842, p=< .001) significantly predicted compassion competence during the pandemic. Notably, a high level of compassion competence was observed, primarily attributed to the nurses' practice environment and engagement. These findings underscore the influential role of a supportive practice environment and engaged nursing staff in fostering compassion competence. The study reinforces previous insights linking heightened compassion competence to enhanced healthcare quality. The implications extend to healthcare management, emphasizing the pivotal role of these factors in nurturing and sustaining compassion, especially during crises.
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