An Exploration of Placement Travel and Accommodation Issues for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Profession Students, Universities, and Practice Educators




Travel and accommodation challenges for student’s access to pre-registration learning environments were explored through a National Health Service England (NHSE) funded project. This was hosted by XXXX Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust covering the XXXXX Integrated Care Board (ICB) area. A mixed methods service evaluation was used, using three cross-sectional surveys to discover local university placement teams, practice education facilitators and practice educators and nursing, midwifery and allied health profession student views on placement transport and accommodation challenges. One student focus group was also held to explore issues in more depth. Stakeholder participants described a range of transport and accommodation concerns, including student personal safety, transport routes, timetable challenges, financial and health burdens, and working to fixed shift patterns.  Recommendations for practice include flexible shift patterns, car use guidance, free car parking, personal safety training, provision of overnight accommodation to protect wellbeing, and placement costs paid in advance. The project identified the need for a greater range of bus routes from transport providers, plus consideration for a university minibus service to reach rural community settings. The findings from this study will support placement providers and universities to maximise placement opportunities and will improve the student experience across the ICB setting. The results are applicable to other regions.


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How to Cite

Davenport, S., Owoyokun, S., Fisher, K., Barker, W., & Ashcroft, V. (2024). An Exploration of Placement Travel and Accommodation Issues for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Profession Students, Universities, and Practice Educators. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 12(2), 88–106.