Governing for Excellence in the Social Care Sector - The Role of Self-Governance in Ireland's Evolving Social Care Profession


  • Breda McTaggart Institute of Technology Sligo
  • Sinead Barrins Institute of Technology Sligo
  • John McCarthy Brothers of Charity



impression management, professionalism, self-governance, self-regulation


Social care work in Ireland remains a poorly understood profession, despite its growing importance within the wider health and welfare sectors. Higher Educational programmes, especially practice-based aspects, in conjunction with the imminent professional registration of social care graduates, will help with identity formation and solidification of this role (McGregor 2011). However, this professional registration has yet to occur and, on its own, will not guarantee the delivery of a quality service to the user. Using less commonly used professional development concepts of self-governance, self-regulation, impression management and identity capital, this article will explore how social care professional identity may be nurtured, developed and supported within professional practice learning and social care worker environments and, in so doing, support a quality service delivery within the social care space.

Author Biographies

Breda McTaggart, Institute of Technology Sligo

Dr Breda McTaggart is the Head of Department of Social Sciences.


Sinead Barrins, Institute of Technology Sligo

Sinead Barrins provides delivery in the field of policy within the BA Hons in Social Care in the Department of Social Sciences

John McCarthy, Brothers of Charity

John McCarthy is a social care practitioner working in the non-profit sector.


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How to Cite

McTaggart, B., Barrins, S., & McCarthy, J. (2017). Governing for Excellence in the Social Care Sector - The Role of Self-Governance in Ireland’s Evolving Social Care Profession. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 5(2), 84–100.