Personal Resilience for Diagnostic Radiographer Healthcare Education: Lost in Translation?


  • Julie Tamora de Witt University of Derby



healthcare education, personal resilience, training


A research study was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the concept of resilience from the perspective of the undergraduate students on a BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography programme; and the impact of resilience ‘training’ interventions (based on some resilience coaching principles) prior to their first clinical placement. This article sets out the findings from a qualitative research study, analysed using thematic analysis, where students were asked about their definition of personal resilience. Few students used an approximation of the ‘traditional’ definition of resilience; indeed, some seemed to view resilience as a weakness or something to be guarded against. In terms of what students thought affected their resilience, there was no clear pattern; thus seeming to confirm that resilience is personal, and therefore questioning a one-size approach in relation to resilience ‘training’. There could be some merit in encouraging discussion around resilience in the academic setting, but there are some considerable caveats. At the outset fostering an understanding of resilience as a positive trait seems important, otherwise discussion about resilience in a class or tutorial setting may not be received by the learner in the way we may hope or expect.

Author Biography

Julie Tamora de Witt, University of Derby

Senior Lecturer, MA Ed, PgDip, DCR(R), FHEA, Department of Healthcare Practice


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How to Cite

de Witt, J. T. (2017). Personal Resilience for Diagnostic Radiographer Healthcare Education: Lost in Translation?. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 5(2), 38–50.