Experiences of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Undergraduates and Placement Educators of Blended Practice-Based Learning
blended practice-based learning, clinical placements, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, placement capacityAbstract
Securing sufficient practice-based learning opportunities for health care students is long-standing and well documented and not unique to the United Kingdom (Beveridge & Pentland 2020; Martin et al., 2004). Increasing Allied Health Professional learners on healthcare programmes and the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the need for radical change and innovative ways of working to address placement capacity. Due to the capacity pressures, blended practice-based placements were implemented in partnership with clinical collaboration across the Cheshire and Merseyside region. As this placement model had not been robustly tested, a decision was made to pilot this across different settings and ethical approval was sought and granted, to fully evaluate this approach. The participants consisted of second-year physiotherapy and first- and second-year occupational therapy learners. The aims of the study were to: ascertain the value and experiences of a newly introduced blended placement-based learning through the anonymous collection of data from an online questionnaire (quantitative) and focus groups (qualitative) in response to challenges relating to placement capacity.
Initial findings suggest there are benefits for learners including new skill acquisition, such as organisational and adaptability skills, the ability to influence change in patient care and improved clinical reasoning. Challenges for learners include the type and length of project not being comparable to their peers, reduced clinical time, perceived discrepancies in marking during the placement and opportunities to develop confidence. Alternative placement models are required to meet ongoing capacity demands. This work adds to the growing body of placement related literature.
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