Speech Pathologists’ Perceptions of the Impact of Student Supervision


  • Elizabeth Bourne University of Sydney http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2501-193X
  • Lindy McAllister University of Sydney
  • Belinda Kenny Western Sydney University
  • Kate Short : Liverpool Hospital and Ingham Institute




clinical education, perception, placement impact, speech pathology, student placement


Qualitative studies have described clinician perspectives on student placements. These studies highlight likely contributors to placement shortages, but little is documented in speech pathology (SP). This article describes SP clinician perceptions of student impact/s on their clinical and other work tasks, stress levels and time management, and explores factors that may contribute to these perceptions of their experience. Interpretive description was selected to analyse public health sector SP clinician online survey responses. Open-ended questions explored clinician perceptions of student impact on specified components of their work as well as any other aspects clinicians identified. Thirty-four SP clinicians with varying caseloads and experience levels responded. Clinicians perceived that students can positively or negatively impact their clinical and non-clinical activities. Many also identified negative impacts on their stress levels. Some commented on differing impacts for patients and other colleagues. Collective themes of Clinician, Supervision Practices, Workplace, and Student are presented in a model of potential influences on the experience of student impact. SP clinicians perceived that experience of student impact is varied and complex. Influences are likely to be multi-factorial and further research is needed in a range of contexts to guide clinicians, managers and universities in supporting SP student clinical placements.

Author Biography

Elizabeth Bourne, University of Sydney

Associate Lecturer

Work Integrated Learning, Faculty of Health Sciences


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How to Cite

Bourne, E., McAllister, L., Kenny, B., & Short, K. (2020). Speech Pathologists’ Perceptions of the Impact of Student Supervision. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.18552/ijpblhsc.v8i2.549



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